Faith - what if the shadow has been replaced by the reality? a bible study on Hebrews 10:19-12:13

What’s Real?

Question 1

Read Hebrews 10:22. How do you think that this goes as a summary of all the theology of Hebrews up to this point?

1)      What is the reality of our current situation as Christians?

a.       Are we the house of God? Have we drawn near to the holy God because he has made us clean?

b.       OR are we suffering and there is no other reality?

c.       A bit of both?

The Actions Based on Reality

Question 2

The writer of Hebrews has some immediate applications

·       let us draw near to God with a sincere heart. (10:22) Why?

·       Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. (10:23) Why?

·       let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (10:24)

o   not giving up meeting together (10:25)

o   encouraging one another. Why?

1)      Who draw near to God? How many people are there? Do the constitute the “Holy Catholic church” (the Apostle’s Creed). Why is it possible to be there? (10:22) Contrast chapter 10 verse 31.

2)      What are our priorities as people who have drawn near to God? (10:23,24)

3)      We are in one big meeting around God’s throne. We express that as we meet together in local groups. What constitutes a local meeting that reflects the fact that we have drawn near to God? Which of the following meetings fulfils those requirements?

a.       Sunday Services.

b.       Bible Study Groups.

c.       Parish Council meetings.

d.       Having a meal together.

e.       Sunday School.

Why or why not?

4)      How has the writer to the Hebrews been encouraging his readers? How should we encourage one another?

It’s Important to Persist

Question 3 Read Hebrews 10:26-39.

1)      (10:26-31) A stick. What warning does the writer give.

2)      Hebrews 10:32-34. What encouragement does the writer give?

10:35 What encouragement is in this verse?

To conclude this section the writer quotes 2 OT passages.

3)      The first one is from Habakkuk 2:3. What is the point of the quote?

4)      The second one is from Habakkuk 2:3,4. This passage is quoted quite often in the NT. It is used as a key text in Romans 1:8 and Galatians 3:11. In both cases the work faith is taken to mean something like depend/dependence. What is it taken to mean here? Does that fit with the writer’s argument in this section?

Does the writer think that those he is writing to will fail to persist?

Examples of people who persisted because of God’s faithfulness

Question 4

Hebrews 11:1 looks like a definition of “faith” but it probably is not a definition so much as a summary of what faith does. When you have read this chapter come back to this question and see if the examples are about faith or about what faith did in their lives.

1)      Is faith something that motivates your actions?

Question 5

Read the rest of chapter 11 and Chapter 12:1-3

1)      Think about each of the “heroes of faith”. What does their “story” tell you about their faith?

2)      Knowing what you know about these “heroes” would you say that their faith/faithfulness never wavered?

a.       eg Abraham Genesis 17:17

b.       Samson

Is the writer to the Hebrews looking at the “heroes” through rose coloured glasses or looking at real people? How does this follow the last bit of Chapter 10?

3)      The last “hero” is Jesus. (Hebrews 12:2).  How is he an example of faith?

4)      Did any of the “heroes” see their hope fulfilled? (Heb 12:13;39) Why does the writer point that out? What was their hope? (Hen 12:16)

5)      We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses (12:1). They are not looking at us but witness to God’s faithfulness. What are the “let us” encouragements in this case? 

Let’s persist and recognize God’s gracious disciplining

Suffering is a reality for all the heroes. There are lots of ways to interpret our suffering. Read Hebrews 12:4-17

Question 5

How does this passage see that suffering can be viewed? (Heb 12:7) Is it ‘punishment,’ discipline or ‘teaching’ discipline? Is hardship caused by God or used by God? Are you happy with the idea of God disciplining you through hardship?