Let family love thrive: a bible study on Hebrews 12:14-13:25


As we have studied Hebrews you see that the teaching is cumulative. Themes (High Priest, Tabernacle, Covenant) are introduced, expanded and applied. As we come to the end of the book, we are reading how everything comes together. We are not simply give a list of “do’s” and “don’ts”.

There is a new theme. It’s city. It was introduced in chapter 11:10 and 16

There is a city mentioned in chapter 12 and another one mentioned in chapter 13.

Question 1

1)      Read Heb 12:18-21. What assembly is this talking about? (see Exodus 19:16-25) Why was Moses trembling?

2)      Read Heb 12:22-24. What assembly is this talking about? How is this assembly described?

a.       Is this city described in terms of buildings or inhabitants? Why?

b.       Who lives in this city?

c.       How come the humans there are not trembling?

d.       Is the description of God as judge worrying or reassuring?

When do the readers come to the city (Heb 12:22)?

Question 2

1)        Read Hebrews 13:12-14.

a.       Where was Jesus crucified? Where should we expect to find ourselves? Is it comfortable there?

b.       What is the city we have here that is not enduring?

When do the readers come to the city they are looking for (Heb 13:14)?

So, we have come to the city of G od and we are still looking for the city that is to come. How does that shape the way we live:-

a)       as we are already citizens of the city of God?

b)      as we are not citizens of a city on earth?

Question 3 – How then should we live?

1)      The Community Of God’s City

Read Hebrews 12:17,18 and Hebrews 13:1-3. In what ways do citizens of the heavenly city reflect the harmony of that city in their earthly community? Some realities of earthly community (eg strangers, persecuted brothers and sisters) require surprising responses. What are they?

2)      A Christian Community and Its Leaders

Read Hebrews 13:7;17,18. There are repeated instructions about treatment of leaders in the Christian community. What should the leaders (OT ones and current ones) be doing? Are these instructions realistic in light of what the flaws in our leaders? What are we trying to maintain?

3)      Don’t Put A Lesser God At The Centre Of The City

Read Hebrews 13:4;5. What is the reason given for being faithful in marriage? (see 12:23b). What does loving money say about the God that we believe in?

Read 13:9,10. When do we experience God’s grace? At the beginning of our Christian lives? Everyday and for eternity? Is there a temptation to look to an activity to make God seem more real? What is wrong with that? Is it a temptation to go back to the physical practices associated with OT law? ie those things the writer refers to as “shadow”. (cf v10 and Heb 10:1-4)

4)      Signs that we belong to God’s heavenly city

Read Hebrews 12:28 What is the difference between “reverence and awe” and “trembling and fear” (12:21)? Some accuse modern services of treating God as a heavenly buddy while others say that older services keep God at a distance. How would you say that we should act as people in God’s presence?

Read Hebrews 13:15-16 These verses are about daily life being “tabernacle” life. That is all of life is in God’s presence. How do they turn the idea of making sacrifices up-side down?

Question 4

Read the blessing at the end of Hebrews (13:20-21). How appropriate is that blessing to our current circumstances? Who is do we depend on to enable us to please God?