Children: Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-31)

This week Jesus encounters a man described as bring very wealthy. Jesus loved this man but had a tough challenge for him!


The story of their encounter can be found in Mark 10:17-31. You can watch a video retelling of the story here made by the group at LifeKids.


  1. What did the man ask Jesus?

  2. What did Jesus tell the man to do?

  3. Why was it difficult for the man to obey Jesus?

  4. What does this story teach us about what is important to Jesus?


Calvary Curriculum has a great collection of questions, puzzles and a colouring page in this neat little pack you can print off at home. This story talks about storing up our treasures in heaven, not on earth. To help us remember this important message you could construct your own treasure chest to store your favourite Bible verses. You could make it out of things you can find in your recycling bin - like this one made from a shoe box and decorated with aluminum foil. A great verse to pop inside would be Mark 10:27 - “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” because it reminds us that God is able to do anything! Alternatively, you could construct a camel to write the verse on instead. You could do so with some paper and clothes pegs, or by using just your own hand and some paint!


We learn from this story that it’s not bad to have belongings that we value, but that they shouldn’t be more valuable to us than our relationship with Jesus. This week why not draw a heart on a piece of paper and write your prayer inside - asking God to help you love him and to show that love by obeying him and serving others.


We have a classic Colin Buchanan song to enjoy this week called ‘God's Map - The Bible’ and an animated (and slightly modified version) of the classic ‘Praise Ye The Lord’. I hope they both get you up and moving in this chilly Katoomba weather!