Children: Jesus heals Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)

This week Jesus meets a man and totally changes his life!


This week our story can be found in Mark 10:46-52 which you can read online here. You can also watch an animated version of the story on YouTube and listen to the story in song form.


1.       What did Bartimaeus call Jesus? Why?

2.       What did Bartimaeus ask Jesus to do?

3.       What was Jesus response to Bartimaeus?

4.       What does this story teach us about Jesus?


You can start your exploration into this passage by getting to know some of the key terms in this printable word search or try your hand at this crossword. You can also colour in a scene from the story and then write a short explanation underneath to explain what you can see in the image.

Bartimaeus was unable to see before he met Jesus. Imagine how tricky that would have been! Have a go doing the following activities whilst wearing a blindfold, you could use a tea towel wrapped around your eyes if you don’t have a blindfold at home.

-          Eating a bowl of cereal

-          Tying your shoelaces

-          Brushing your teeth

-          Cleaning up your bedroom

-          An obstacle course in your backyard


Bartimaeus believed that Jesus had the ability to give him back his sight. Sometimes it is easy for us to forget all the amazing things Jesus has done, and continues to do, for us. Get a special piece of paper and make a list of all the things you can say thank you to Jesus for. Use the list over the course of the week to thank Jesus daily for all he has done.


This week we have two new songs to sing about how amazing Jesus is! The first is called ‘Jesus is the King’ and the second, ‘Jesus rocks the world’. Enjoy!