Working bee
9:00 am09:00

Working bee

The grounds in particular need a little tidy-up before Spring Festival. Let’s do it! Only three hours of your time will make a big difference; so throw in your hand, come along and bring whatever you think might be helpful. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Parish lunch and send-off for the Sandifer family
11:00 am11:00

Parish lunch and send-off for the Sandifer family

The Sandifer’s final Sunday with us will be 7 July, after which they will be heading to Melbourne to prepare for their missionary service in the Netherlands. There will be one service only on that day (9:30 AM), followed by a special parish lunch and send-off for the Sandifers.

Please sign up at the church entrance if you can contribute a food item to the send-off lunch. Thanks!

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'Life-Giving Parent' class #3
6:00 pm18:00

'Life-Giving Parent' class #3

This is one of nine classes in a series for all parents of children and young people. We will be using Sally and Clay Clarkson’s ‘The Life-Giving Parent’ as our guide. The aim is to help each other as parents to explore together and support each other in the extraordinary calling God has given us to raise up children who know and love Him. Each week will begin with a shared meal, followed by a time of discussion and prayer.

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'Life-Giving Parent' class #2
6:00 pm18:00

'Life-Giving Parent' class #2

This is one of nine classes in a series for all parents of children and young people. We will be using Sally and Clay Clarkson’s ‘The Life-Giving Parent’ as our guide. The aim is to help each other as parents to explore together and support each other in the extraordinary calling God has given us to raise up children who know and love Him. Each week will begin with a shared meal, followed by a time of discussion and prayer.

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'Life-Giving Parent' class #1
6:00 pm18:00

'Life-Giving Parent' class #1

This is one of nine classes in a series for all parents of children and young people. We will be using Sally and Clay Clarkson’s ‘The Life-Giving Parent’ as our guide. The aim is to help each other as parents to explore together and support each other in the extraordinary calling God has given us to raise up children who know and love Him. Each week will begin with a shared meal, followed by a time of discussion and prayer.

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Let's Get Together Sunday
1:00 pm13:00

Let's Get Together Sunday

Once again this year, we’ll be having a ‘distributed’ church lunch in each other’s homes, an opportunity to show hospitality and get to know each other better. If you would like to be a host home, please sign up on the sheet in the church entrance, and indicate how many people you’d like to host.

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SpringFest Team Meeting
9:30 am09:30

SpringFest Team Meeting

If you signed up to help with the SpringFest in October, or if you are planning to participate in any way, please come to the team meeting on 4 August 2018. This will be an opportunity for us to renew our vision for this vital ministry as we plan together and map out areas of responsibility. Morning tea will be provided.

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