A Pastoral Letter/Questionnaire from the Parish Council and Geoff

Parish Council is acutely aware of its responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone. We do, however, have a variety of ministry options so that as many parishioners as possible can find an option that strengthens them. It would help inform our decision making about ministry possibilities if we knew what parishioners would be willing to be a part of and help to run. The final decision on what is right and proper for us will be made by Parish Council. Please feel free to offer other suggestions.

Below is a questionnaire to facilitate this process. Please complete your response by 4th September.

Alternatively, you could:

  • download the form and return it by mail

  • get a hard copy from Gia and return it to her next week,

  • send me an email with your responses, or

  • call me (0477 090 888) to simply tell me what you want.

Thank you for considering this. Geoff (On behalf of St Albans Parish Council)